Journal 2019
Discobolul No. 55 - March 2019View
Discobolul No. 56 - June 2019View
Discobolul No. 57 - September 2019View
Discobolul No. 58 - December 2019View
International Proceedings of Human Motricity/ ICPESK 2019 Supplementary Issue of Discobolul - Physical Education, Sport and Kinetotherapy Journal
Cover Page & ContentsView
Study regarding sport managers' personality profileView

Authors: Sonia ALBU, Vasilica GRIGORE, Pages: 1-5,

Somatic and motor profile of the population at risk of social exclusionView

Author: Dan BADEA, Pages: 6-11,

Children's motor skills vs. virtual realityView

Authors: Irina BĂIȚEL, Luminița PĂTRU, Pages: 12-20,

Ways to achieve progression in the football gameView

Authors: Dumitru BARBU, Doru STOICA, Pages: 21-28,

Resilience, stressors and protective factors in sports performanceView

Authors: Roxana BEJAN-MUREȘAN, Adrian CINPEANU, Pages: 29-34, 

Analysis of the specific effort in performance judoView

Author: Laurențiu BOCIOACĂ, Pages: 35-40,

Study on the impact of aerobic exercise on self-image in young women View

Authors: Camelia BRANEȚ, Oroles FLORESCU, Adrian PRICOP, Iancu RĂCHITĂ, Pages: 41-47,

Body difficulties in junior rhythmic gymnastics according to the fig code of pointsView

Authors: Ștefania CHIRIAC, Silvia TEODORESCU, Aura BOTA, Pages: 48-55,

Strategies for the social integration of youth through sport activitiesView

Authors: Corina CIOLCĂ, Iulian Gabriel GHIȚESCU, Pages: 56-62,

Food principles providing muscular activity energy in the sports training of students practicing powerliftingView

Authors: Viorel DORGAN, Dumitru PRODAN, Natalia NASTAS, Pages: 63-69,

ENTy - a Romanian system for the objective evaluation of balance in humansView

Authors: Mădălina GEORGESCU, Daniel ROSNER, Cristian ALEXANDRESCU, Flavia OPREA, Andrei OSMAN, Pages: 70-75,

Gait rehabilitation using the Huber 360 platform in multiple sclerosisView

Authors: Carmen Liliana GHERGHEL, Mariana CORDUN, Gigi TEODORU, Lucian Călin MARIN, Pages: 76-79,

Rehabilitation of muscle strength by means of the Huber 360 platform in lumbar radiculopathyView

Authors: Carmen Liliana GHERGHEL, Mariana CORDUN, Ovidiu Cristian CHIRIAC, Lucian Călin MARIN, Pages: 80-84,

Considerations regarding the psychomotor assessment of students in the vocational primary educationView

Authors: Bogdan GOZU, Gabriela PANĂ, Pages: 85-90,

The coach-parent relationship in juvenile footballView

Authors: Gheorghe GRIGORE, Sorin CIOLCĂ, Tudor PALADE, Pages: 91-96,

The influence of physiotherapy on functional fitness of adults with Down syndromeView

Authors: Ilona ILINCA, Eugenia ROȘULESCU, Germina COSMA, Mircea DANOIU, Pages: 97-103,

Physical activity of truck driversView

Authors: Jana JURIKOVA, Sandra BERGEROVA, Pages: 104-111,

Research on the time perception in athletesView

Authors: Maxim KOCHERYAN, Igor SEMENET, Elena DAVYDOVA, Stanislava FAGINA, Pages: 112-117,

The psychological profile of group rhythmic gymnastsView

Authors: Mihaela MANOS, Lavinia POPESCU, Pages: 118-125,

Optimisation of selection in aerobic gymnastics by correlating physical and technical elementsView

Authors: Mariana MEZEI, Teodora WESSELLY, Raluca Anca PELIN, Carmen GRIGOROIU, Pages: 126-134,

Study on stress level in elite junior gymnastsView

Authors: Georgeta MITRACHE, Aura BOTA, Constanța URZEALĂ, Ștefania CHIRIAC, Pages: 135-141,

Heart rate values of the Romanian wheelchair basketball playersView

Authors: Alina Daniela MOANȚĂ, Gabriel Iulian GHIȚESCU, Alin Mihăiță SĂFTEL, Nicoleta LEONTE, Pages: 142-147,

Development of precision in people with Down syndrome through the means of bocceView

Authors: Ana Maria MUJEA, Carmen Liliana GHERGHEL, Valeria BĂLAN, Pages: 148-154,

Physical training specific to cadet cyclists in the time trialsView

Authors: Narcis NEAGU, Carmen GRIGOROIU, Raluca PELIN, Mihaela NETOLITZCHI, Pages: 155-159,

Increasing precision and optimising efficiency in distance basketball shooting (6.75 m)View

Authors: Mihaela NETOLITZCHI, Nicoleta LEONTE, Ofelia POPESCU, Camelia BRANEȚ, Pages: 160-164,

Influence of swimming on weight control in pubertal children with Down syndromeView

Authors: Ioana OPRIÅžESCU, Valeria BĂLAN, Pages: 165-173,

The kinematical model of the elbow joint with one degree of freedomView

Authors: Petronela PARASCHIV, Ramona CIMPOEȘU, Mihai DUMITRU, Ciprian PARASCHIV, Pages: 174-180,

Health-related quality of life in Ukrainian young children: self-reports and proxy reportsView

Authors: Iuliia PAVLOVA, Oksana FEDECHKO, Ivanna BODNAR, Pages: 181-187,

Particularities specific to the training of gymnasts with Down syndrome for high-level competitionsView

Authors: Gabriel POPESCU, Silvia STROESCU, Pages: 188-194,

The role of self-image and motivation in sports performanceView

Authors: Ileana Monica POPOVICI, Cristina Elena MORARU, Pages: 195-201,

Analysis of the quantity and quality parameters in the high bar competitive routinesView

Authors: Vladimir POTOP, Vasilica GRIGORE, Marian CREȚU, Valeriu JURAT, Pages: 202-209,

Contribution of the biomechanical criteria to the teaching and learning of exercises on balance beamView

Authors: Vladimir POTOP, Vasilica GRIGORE, Mariana CÎMPEANU, Victor BUFTEA, Carolina MOGA, Pages: 210-216,

Methodological concept of hypothesis building and verification in behavioural researchView

Author: Ioan Rudi PRISĂCARU, Pages: 217-222,

Adaptation of muscle metabolism and cardiac activity in specific endurance trainingView

Authors: Mihaela PUIU, Simona BIDIUGAN, Pages: 223-229,

The tetanoid training method in high-performance alpine skiingView

Authors: Iancu RĂCHITĂ, Nicoleta LEONTE, Ofelia POPESCU, Marian PETROF, Pages: 230-234,

Physiological differences between prepubertal and pubertal swimmers in performing an anaerobic effortView

Authors: Adrian RĂDULESCU, Gheorghe MARINESCU, Laurențiu Daniel TICALĂ, Pages: 235-240,

Monitoring and testing motor skills in young soccer playersView

Authors: Gaetano RAIOLA, Francesca D’ELIA, Tiziana D’ISANTO, Gaetano ALTAVILLA, Pages: 241-246,

The evaluation of endurance improvement in the transition periodView

Authors: Gaetano RAIOLA, Tiziana D’ISANTO, Francesca D’ELIA, Gaetano ALTAVILLA, Pages: 247-250,

Cognitive stimulation strategy in the professional training processView

Authors: Gloria RAȚĂ, Marinela RAȚĂ, Bogdan Constantin RAȚĂ, Pages: 251-256,

Manifestations of attention in junior female handball playersView

Authors: Cristina ROMILA, Sabina MACOVEI, Florentina TONIȚA, Pages: 257-265,

Study on the need for judicious physical training of junior dancersView

Author: Alin Cristian ROSA, Pages: 266-273,

Sports influence on the formation of personal deformationsView

Authors: Petr RYSKIN, Igor SEMENET, Irina VASHLIAEVA, Natalia SHURALEVA, Pages: 274-279,

Formation and development of professional reliability of future physical education teachersView

Authors: Oleksandr SOLTYK, Bogdan VYNOGRADSKYI, Yevgen PAVLYUK, Tetyana CHOPYK, Oleksandr ANTONIUK, Oksana PAVLYUK, Iuliia PAVLOVA, Pages: 280-287,

Developing sport integrity competences in pre-service coachesView

Authors: Monica STĂNESCU, Vasilica GRIGORE, Marius STOICESCU, Pompiliu Nicolae CONSTANTIN, Pages: 288-297,

Aspects regarding the cognitive training of high-performance football playersView

Authors: Marius STOICA, Cornel BLEJAN, Adina DREVE, Pages: 298-303,

Body Mass Index of students with intellectual disabilities in BucharestView

Authors: Vicol Eduard ȘUȚĂ, Tiberiu TĂTARU, Laurențiu OPREA, Lizia Ioana ȘUȚĂ, Pages: 304-310,

Possible correlations between aerobic power and anaerobic lactacid capacity in handball playersView

Authors: Florin TROFIN, Cezar HONCERIU, Pages: 311-316,

Heart rate in maximum aerobic effort and anaerobic lactacid capacity in female handball players View

Authors: Florin TROFIN, Beatrice ABALAȘEI, Pages: 317-322,

The profile of personal autonomy in athlete and non-athlete adolescentsView

Authors: Åžtefan TÜDÖS, Georgeta MITRACHE, Radu PREDOIU, Ștefan Dănuț TUDORANCEA, Pages: 323-330,

Analysis of stick shooting in oina game using the biomechanical parametersView

Authors: Cristian VĂDUVA, Gheorghe MONEA, Mihnea MARIN, Ligia RUSU, Pages: 331-338,

Romania's handball team offence play at the EFH Euro 2018View

Authors: Cristina VĂRZARU, Virgil TUDOR, Viorel COJOCARU, Marina IGOROV,Ana-Maria MUJEA, Pages: 339-344,

National fitness trendsView

Authors: Anastasiia VOROBIOVA, Marina VASYLENKO, Nadiia VYSOCHINA, Pages: 345-350,

Optimisation of explosive strength in beginner female volleyball playersView

Authors: Teodora WESSELLY, Mariana MEZEI, Oroles FLORESCU, Narcis NEAGU, Adrian PRICOP, Pages: 351-355,

A profile of eye-hand coordination and form constancy in performance dancesportView

Authors: Mihaela ZAHIU, Sabina MACOVEI, Radu PREDOIU, Costinel MIHAIU, Maria GRIGORE, Pages: 356-362,