Journal 2023
Discobolul Volume 62, Issue 1 - March 2023
Methodological aspects regarding the improvement of Tsukahara vault (tempo)View

Authors: Corina MOROȘAN, Cezar HANTĂU, Yannakos ATHANASSIOS, Pages: 1-13,

Comparative study of aerobic capacity in female students before and after the COVID-19 pandemicView

Authors: Camelia BRANEȚ, Raluca PELIN, Valeria BĂLAN, Adrian PRICOP, Carmen GRIGOROIU, Pages: 14-26,

Evaluation of physiotherapy effects using specific tests in Duchenne muscular dystrophy - a case studyView

Authors: Alexandra-Mihaela IONICĂ, Alexandru BUZESCU, Pages: 27-40,

Study on the importance of promoting running events in correlation with the participants' opinionsView

Authors: Virgil TUDOR, Monica Iulia STĂNESCU, Daniela MARCU, Pages: 41-57,

The social context and the development of women's football in RomaniaView

Authors: Andreea TRUȘCĂ, Silvia TEODORESCU, Pages: 58-69,

The contribution of hydrotherapy and swimming to post-mastectomy functional rehabilitationView

Authors: Oana Maria BALTAG, Andra Ioana SINGURAN, Mihaela APOSTU, Ruxandra EL-BSAT, Pages: 70-84,

Aspects regarding the improvement of the methodological system for testing alpine skiersView

Authors: Adrian PICA, Mircea NEAMȚU, Pages: 85-105,

Discobolul Volume 62, Issue 2 - June 2023
Distinguishable hardships for a sample of middle school students from Vrancea countyView

Authors: Dan BADEA, Doina CROITORU, Sorin CIOLCĂ, Gheorghe GRIGORE, Virgil TUDOR, Paul DONICI, Ana GAVRILESCU, Pages: 106-118,

Coping strategies of footballers who have recovered from COVID-19 in five European countriesView

Authors: Alexandra PREDOIU, Selenia DI FRONSO, Maurizio BERTOLLO, Radu PREDOIU, Ryszard MAKAROWSKI, Andrzej PIOTROWSKI, Germina COSMA, Romualdas MALINAUSKAS, Zermena VAZNE, Pages: 119-130,

Authors: Alexandra PREDOIU, Selenia DI FRONSO, Maurizio BERTOLLO, Radu PREDOIU, Ryszard MAKAROWSKI, Andrzej PIOTROWSKI,
Germina COSMA, Romualdas MALINAUSKAS, Zermena VAZNE, Pages: 119-130, Alexandra PREDOIU, Selenia DI FRONSO, Maurizio BERTOLLO, Radu PREDOIU, Ryszard MAKAROWSKI, Andrzej PIOTROWSKI,Germina COSMA, Romualdas MALINAUSKAS, Zermena VAZNE, Pages: 119-130,
Performance factors in completing a training course in European funds for sportView

Authors: Anca-Maria IONESCU, Monica STĂNESCU, Rocsana BUCEA-MANEA-ȚONIȘ, Pages: 131-150,

Study on the impact of adapted judo practice on individuals with ASD and Down syndromeView

Authors: Laurențiu BOCIOACĂ, Aurel MARIN, Pages: 151-162,

The dynamics of the agility manifestation in basketball game during the physical education lessonView

Authors: Andreea-Mădălina ANASTASIU, Vladimir POTOP, Ilie MIHAI, Andrii CHERNOZUB, Paul-Florinel VIȘAN, Florin COJANU, Pages: 163-173,

Effects of kinesiotherapy versus hidrokinetic therapy on the rehabilitation of patients with amputationView

Authors: Vlad-Theodor COTROBAȘ-DASCĂLU, Marius STOICA, Adina Andreea DREVE, Kristo XHARDO, Delia Ramona ARSANI, Pages: 174-188,

A ludic history of swimming - a systematic reviewView

Authors: Luciela VASILE, Laurențiu TICALĂ, Adrian RĂDULESCU, Ana Maria MUJEA, Costel MATEI, Camelia BRANEȚ, Carmen Luminița ONOIU, Natalia GHEORGHE, Valeria BĂLAN, Pages: 189-207,

Discobolul Volume 62, Issue 3 - September 2023
Anthropometric measurements and their relationship with technical skills and physical performance in junior basketball playersView

Authors: Hisham ABU TAHA, Majed EL-SALEH, Ligia RUSU, Pages: 208-223,

Improving coordination skills in young football players aged 8-10 yearsView

Authors: Rafael VIȘAN, Marius STOICA, Adina DREVE, Pages: 224-238,

Effects of instrumental facial massage and neuromotor stimulation techniques in children with cerebral palsyView

Authors: Dana MARIN, Ilie ONU, Ana ONU, Pages: 239-253,

Aspects relating to the development of motor skills, strength, and balance in U16 footballView

Authors: Silvia TEODORESCU, Paul SOROCEANU, Toma VASILESCU, Pages: 254-264,

Parents' apreciation of the impact of strategic games introduced in physical education classesView

Authors: Alina-Valentina HORA, Rela-Valentina CIOMAG, Pages: 265-279,

Discobolul Volume 62, Issue 4 - December 2023
Research regarding the impact of resistance training on swimming performanceView

Author: Norbert TRANDAFIR, Pages: 280-292,

Resilience, aggression and risk-taking behavior among Romanian racing drivers - a preliminary studyView

Authors: Radu PREDOIU, Edwin KELETI, Julian FRITSCH, Germina COSMA, Virgil ENE-VOICULESCU, Cristian NOTARU, Alexandra PREDOIU, Pages: 293-304,

The relationship between Big-Five personality factors, thinking style and self-efficacy among sports management studentsView

Authors: Georgeta MITRACHE, Elena MIHĂIȚĂ, Sorina CERNĂIANU, Ana-Maria VASILIU, Diana Ligia TUDOR, Pages: 305-316,

Assessing coordination abilities in Romanian water polo players aged 10-12 using the Bruininks-Oseretsky test batteryView

Authors: Costel MATEI, Luciela Maria VASILE, Alina Daniela MOANȚĂ, Ana Maria MUJEA, Laurențiu TICALĂ, Bogdan GOZU, Iulius Radulian MĂRGĂRIT, Pages: 317-333,

Anthropometric status and macronutrient intake of bodybuilding athletes in Limpopo province, South AfricaView

Authors: Sylven MASOGA, Elmine DUTOIT, Frederik COETZEE, Robert SCHALL, Pages: 334-349,

The levels of social behaviour and involvement in sports activities in Târgoviște municipalityView

Authors: Ciprian PRISĂCARU, Gheorghe FLUCUȘ, Andrei Claudiu TUDOR, Pages: 350-363,

Statistical analysis of the Champions League winning team in the 2022-2023 competition seasonView

Authors: Cristina VĂRZARU, Cătălin Octavian MĂNESCU, Pages: 364-375,