JOURNALS Journal 2024 Discobolul UNEFS
  Journal 2024
Discobolul Volume 63, Issue 1 - March 2024
The role of street dance in developing psychomotor skills and creativity of studentsView

Authors: Eduard DUMITRU, Virgil TUDOR, Nicoleta DUMITRU, Monica ST?NESCU, Liliana DINA, Pages: 1-14,

Efficiency of William's versus McKenzie's therapy for patients diagnosed with low back painView

Authors: Denisa PIELE, Ligia RUSU, Mirela Lucia CALINA, Mihnea MARIN, Pages: 15-26,

Quality of life in young Romanian athletesView

Authors: Alexandra PREDOIU, Iulian ST?NESCU, Constantin Bogdan MATEI, Cornel Lauren?iu MINCU, Germina COSMA, Andreas HNIATIUC, Iulian DINU, Radu PREDOIU, Pages: 27-43,

Study on therapeutic management of carpal tunnel syndromeView

Authors: Alexandra-Mihaela IONIC?, Mihaela APOSTU, Pages: 44-62, 

Comprehensive analysis of performance swimming dropout in RomaniaView

Authors: Valentina BRAT, Silvia TEODORESCU, Pages: 63-72, 

Enhancing strength capacity for triathlon competitorsView

Authors: Andrei Vladimir MARICA, Marius STOICA, Adina Andreea DREVE, Pages: 73-85,

Discobolul Volume 63, Issue 2 - June 2024
The importance of cardiac rehabilitation for patients with surgically corrected valvulopathiesView

Authors: Radu-Valentin CHI??, Mariana CORDUN, Mircea BRATU, Cozeta-Anca MINCULESCU, Mario DI CARLO, Pages: 86-101,

Training strength and speed in local police officersView

Authors: Cezar-Mihail BUCUR, Monica Virginia COJOCARU, Pages: 102-111,

Transformational changes in inactive women induced by various wellness programsView

Authors: Nebojša JOTOV, Zeljko RAJKOVIC, Vladimir MILETIC, Darko MITROVIC, Pages: 112-126,

Assessing coordination in open- and closed-skill sports - martial artists and sprint athletesView

Authors: Radu PREDOIU, Rare? ST?NESCU, Mathias ALBERTON, VIOREL LIXANDRU, Ionu?› Alexandru CIUDOIU, Andrei Vladimir MARICA, Alexandru Daniel ION, Germina COSMA, Pages: 127-141,

Ascertaining study on somatic, motor and technical assessments in junior basketball to identify specific standardsView

Authors: Miruna Elena TRIFAN, Marius STOICA, Adina Andreea DREVE, Pages: 142-154,

The importance of qualified personnel in the field of sport management and marketingView

Author: Adrian Miroslav MERKA, Pages: 155-166,

Discobolul Volume 63, Issue 3 - September 2024
The relation between an anti-doping education program and risk factors for doping substances useView

Authors: Claudia BERBECARU, Luciela VASILE, Doina CROITORU, Rare? ST?NESCU, Pages: 167-182,

Manual orofacial stimulation and its impact on children with cerebral palsyView

Authors: Dana MARIN, Elena C?CIULAN, Aura BOTA, Carmen GHERGHEL, Pages: 183-198,

Using the Backfix method to rehabilitate athletes’ injury in triple jump – a case studyView

Authors: Lenu?a DRAGOMIR, Daniela SCHOR, Vladimir SCHOR, Monica ST?NESCU, Pages: 199-219,

Nutritional practices of aerobic dance athletes in Limpopo province: should we be concerned?View

Authors: Gerald Pabalelo MPHAFUDI, Makoma Melicca BOPAPE, Sylven MASOGA, Pages: 220-232,

Emotional stability and aggressive behaviour among Romanian football playersView

Authors: Ionut Alexandru ISCRU, Santiago PASSEG, Laura Rodica GIURGIU, Pages: 233-244,

Bibliometric analysis with VOSviewer: research trends in sport management within European football View

Authors: Narcis R?DUCAN, Viorel COJOCARU, Andrei Constantin TÎRNOVANU, Pages: 245-263,

Discobolul Volume 63, Issue 4 - December 2024
Assessment of dynamic balance in people with Down syndromeView

Authors: Valeria B?LAN, Corina ?IFREA, Raluca COSTACHE, Carmen GHERGHEL, Ana Maria MUJEA, Pages: 264-283,

Speed optimization strategies for U16 football players: methods and impactView

Authors: Florin SUCIU, Nicoleta LEONTE, Teodora WESSELLY, Ofelia POPESCU, Alin Mih?i?? S?FTEL, Pages: 284-300,