Archiving, Repository & Unique Identifiers Policy
Archiving Policy
Archiving Policy

Discobolul – Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy Journal uses the following open-source software application - Open Journal Systems (OJS) for managing and archiving the scientific articles, and as long-term preservation service, where each article is currently archived.

Open Journal Systems (OJS) was developed and released by PKP in 2001, in order to improve access to research, being the world’s most widely used scholarly publishing platform (see

Repository Policy
Repository Policy

Discobolul – Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy Journal allows authors to deposit versions of their work in an institutional or other repository of their choice.

Discobolul – Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy Journal allows authors to deposit the Published version of their manuscript in an institutional or other repository of their choice, such as:, ResearchGate, Google Scholar. The authors are allowed to use and reposit their own published manuscript, by downloading it from the journal website:, but no modifications are allowed (e.g., article’s repaginating or reformatting).

Discobolul – Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy Journal provides repository within the Open Journal Systems (OJS) open-source software application, for the following versions:
a)      Submitted version – reposited in OJS, but not publicly available
b)      Accepted version (Author Accepted Manuscript) – reposited in OJS, but not publicly available
c)      Published version – reposited in OJS, and publicly available (open access)

Unique Identifiers
Unique Identifiers

Discobolul – Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy Journal uses persistent article identifiers for its articles, more exactly, the digital object identifier (DOI), finding a manuscript no matter where it is located,

Discobolul – Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy Journal uses DOIs, as a CrossRef member, for all its open access articles, from 2019 (starting with the International Proceedings of Human Motricity/ ICPESK 2019 Supplementary Issue of Discobolul – Physical Education, Sport and Kinetotherapy Journal).